The Sixth Form College is committed to making sure that you have the best qualifications possible, particularly in English and Maths.
Employers, universities and other progression routes will expect you to have reached a suitable standard in these subjects, and we expect you to give priority to studying them alongside your main course.
Learning Beyond the Classroom
All students at the college who do not have a GCSE grade C or above in Maths and English must study towards this level while they are in college. All courses will be discussed and agreed on an individual basis.
As well as helping you to secure the best possible results, we you give you every opportunity to hone the skills and talents that every employer and university will look for in today’s competitive market.
Whatever course you choose to study, life as a City of Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College student is an exciting mix of learning and socialising. The Sixth Form College will prepare you for the next stages in life by developing and broadening your skills and interests as well as achieving qualifications.
Private Study
To meet today’s demands, you will develop skills in communication, information technology and numeracy. Every course at the college will encourage you to develop these vital skills.
Group Tutorials
In addition to your 1:1 meetings you will also attend weekly tutorials delivered by your Progress Coach. You will build up numerous employability skills to prepare you for future employment.
Regular Assessment
Six times a year, your subject teachers will review your progress via summative assessment and together you will agree targets to ensure motivation, direction and a clear plan of action to keep you on track and improving. This will ensure you are clear on how you are performing in college.
Progress Coach
Each term you will spend 1:1 time with your personal Progress Coach to discuss your overall progress in college. Each meeting will also focus on your attendance and future plans. All this information will be recorded and will be accessible to both parents and students via the Internet. In addition to your 1:1 meetings you will also attend weekly tutorials delivered by your Progress Coach. You will build up numerous employability skills to prepare you for future employment.
Preparing you for your future
We want students to get the most out of their time at the Sixth Form College. College life is about more than courses and qualifications; it’s about gathering experiences and skills that will prepare you for your next steps, whether that’s university, employment or an apprenticeship. The College will support and recognise your progress towards six ASPIRE principles: Achievement; Skills; Participation; Independence; Resilience; Endeavour, through lessons, tutorials and our ASPIRE Futures programme. These things are really important to your progress, and to universities and employers and we will mention them when we write your references for UCAS or when you apply for jobs.